Angie Melo, one of our consultants, won a grant as a Young Surveyor for FIG Working Week 2024 in Accra, Ghana

We want to congratulate Angie Melo, Colombian consultant of LAND-at-scale project, for being selected as one of the Young surveyors to participate in FIG Working Week 2024 in Accra, Ghana. FIG recognizes your work helping and training communities to measure their lands and have land tenure and land security.

Angie Katherine Melo Wilches is a cadastral and geodesist engineer. She works as a consultant in the projects Land at Scale and Land in Peace, financed by Dutch Government. She was leader of the student chapter of the Latin American Society of Remote Sensing Geographical Information Systems SELPER – CHAPTER COLOMBIA and currently, she is a member of Young Kadaster and Selper.

FIG Working Week is a week-long celebration of innovation and collaboration that unites the global community of surveying and spatial professionals. Aiming to bridge the gap between science and the policymakers and stakeholders who drive real-world change. With the theme “Your World, Our World: Resilient Environment and Sustainable Resource Management for all” the conference will focus on how geospatial technologies and innovations as well as connectivity become major tools in ensuring resilient environment and sustainable natural resource management for all.


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