The first steering committee of the year
On April 12, the Steering Committee for the Land at Scale Colombia project was held. Representatives of the Embassy of the Netherlands, Kadaster, Tropenbos, Icco Conexion, and RVO shared the project's progress and discussed this year's goals. They were also allied institutions such as the National Land Agency, ANT, the Agustin Codazzi Geographic Institute, IGAC, Royal Tropical Institute, KIT, the National Planning Department, DNP, and the European Union.
During the meeting, the progress of the expansion in the Téofila was shared, thanking the joint work with the ANT, the possibilities of working together to carry out a regulatory SandBox, and the socialization events in Ghana and Uganda in which team members will participate.
Through this space accountability is made, common objectives are socialized and work goals are defined among project participants and invited institutions.