We shared the experiences of the Land at Scale project at the launch of the short course in Cadastre for Indigenous Territories and Territorialities
As part of the official launching of the short course in Cadastre for Indigenous Territories and Territorialities, the District University and the Major Government, traditional indigenous authorities of Colombia, invited us to participate as panelists in the Multipurpose Cadastre Forum: Weaving Knowledge for Indigenous Territories and territorialities.
During the panel, which we shared with Major Franciso Rojas, former indigenous constituent, and professors Carlos Sanchez and Javier Puentes, we reflected on the Multipurpose Cadastre policy and the challenges for institutions and academia in recognizing indigenous territories and territorialities.
Nicolas Porras, Kadaster consultant in the Land in Peace and Land at Scale projects, shared the lessons learned from working with the Koreguaje and Makaguaje indigenous communities in Caquetá and the indigenous communities of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. In both cases, using the Fit for Purpose methodology for the measurement and recognition of the territories.
The conversation was a sample of the module on Fit for Purpose that the participants of the short course will be able to find to legitimize the territories and the knowledge of the communities by linking them to the land measurements. Introduction, FFP in Colombia, and scopes will be the contents you will find in this module of more than four hours.
Enjoy the complete conversation at this link: